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Guide to professional indemnity insurance claims – updated

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Guide to professional indemnity insurance claims – updated

The obligation to notify claims AND potential claims (circumstances) can be quite demanding. The onus is on you to ensure that all such matters are notified in line with your policy terms and conditions. It is important that the policy terms and conditions are fully complied with when a claim or potential claim occurs, to avoid problems with policy coverage.

We appreciate that not everyone is fully familiar with the terms and conditions of their PI policy and so this Claims Guide is designed to provide some assistance. It covers the following key points;

  • When to notify Insurers
  • Information you will need to provide
  • Who you need to notify
  • Things you must not do without your insurers permission
  • Is it a claim or a 'circumstance?
  • 'Likely' or 'may' give rise to a claim - what's the difference?
  • Prevention is better than a cure

Please follow the link to the Guide To Professional Indemnity Insurance Claims.