What is (and isn’t) professional behaviour – our clients views… banner

What is (and isn’t) professional behaviour – our clients views…

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What is (and isn’t) professional behaviour – our clients views…

'professional' ; having or showing the skill, good judgement and polite behaviour that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well.

We arrange professional indemnity insurance for many professionals in every type of business including Accountancy, Legal, Financial, Property, Construction and Technology and in each of these sectors, 'professional' is a widely used term. But what exactly is professional behaviour?

There are many definitions and descriptions of professional so we thought we'd ask some of our clients from various professional backgrounds for their thoughts on what it means to be professional. Here's some of their thoughts;

  • "Honesty is crucial – avoid even the smallest of lies at all costs"
  • "If you commit to something, then follow it through"
  • "If you are delayed, let the other person know as soon as possible"
  • "Always be respectful about competing businesses and people – point out your benefits rather than their faults"
  • "Be prepared before meetings and when presenting"
  • "Ensure you have made yourself clear to avoid any miscommunication"
  • "Avoid conflicts of interest"
  • "Keep personal bias and intolerance out of the business world"
  • "Be reliable and dependable"
  • "Take appropriate actions, rather than trying to hurt someone or their business when you feel wronged"
  • "Ensure you present yourself pleasantly with good hygiene and appropriate dress codes"
  • "Pay for services and products promptly, whatever the cost to yourself"
  • "Demonstrate self-control and avoid public arguments and disagreements"
  • ......and "Never, ever yawn at important meetings"

A professional will always aim to give the best they can. Whether it's putting together a product that will last and be safe or providing a service of value, you need to do give the client more than they expect. Never give out work you are not proud to have your name on and always do your best work. The end result reflects these attitudes.

A professional can see beyond themselves and is always willing to share. Some ways of giving to others in a professional capacity are;

  • Take on an apprentice or student
  • Join and participate in professional organisations
  • Volunteer services to a worthy community or charity
  • Encourage conservation within the workplace
  • Join networking groups and help the members
  • Have referral systems in place with competitors for busy periods

In summary, the general consensus is that being professional is often about seeing beyond the immediate need. By thinking about the long term consequences of our actions rather than a quick gain, we are more likely to behave professionally.